Gwynne, Alberta Canada

A little update

A little update

Hello Everyone,

Many apologies for not connecting sooner! I am very bad at updating this website in a timely manner. Those who know me personally text or call for updates. It honestly seems quicker for me to respond via phone than figuring out social media, forgetting passwords, resetting passwords and website technology. Yes it’s true we basically have lived under a rock for years and I shy away from anything computer-related. My New Years Resolution may be to become tech-savvy. We will see….

On to the update, 

It’s been a very busy summer and fall here at Isaac Acres. 

They say time flies when you are having fun. I would agree with this statement! Bees and puppies are side hobbies we very much enjoy. The man-hours that are put into both hobbies is a full-time job at times. Perhaps not as lucrative as our full-time business but rewarding in many ways. 

We have expanded our beehives and now have two bee yards and future sites in mind and lined up for expanding hives this spring. 

Our beehives have done very well this year. It took us nearly two weeks from start to finish with gathering the frames and extracting the honey. Our honey is authentic, only strained once, is unpasteurized and completely organic. The honey is composed of clover and canola, for the most part, this season. Those who have allergies have told me they benefit from honey produced in the communities they live.

Mark’s favourite part of beekeeping is making the splits and successfully hatching more bees. It’s a fine art and delicate balance to do these splits successfully and hatch the queen. One day we may make a post on the techniques he uses to be successful.

Due to the extremely hard winters in Alberta lately, we had left as much honey as possible with the bees to help with the cold snaps we know will come. Honey is a delicious side bonus and the extraction process is a celebrated time at Isaac Acres. Everyone tends to have more and more ideas about what to bake and incorporate fresh honey into each year. 

Of course, the girls have a list of special people and seniors in the community who get a surprise honey sample and a text saying check your mailbox every extraction. It’s a fun surprise that both the recipient and the givers equally enjoy. 

For the time being with our regular customers and trying to conserve the honey for the bee populations along with being strained for the time we will delay our online store. 

If you are interested in some honey by all means reach out via email at [email protected] and we can possibly accommodate your order. 

Wishing you all a sweet and loving Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!